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Recent Visits and Activities

Our Club prides itself on providing a variety of tours and visits to numerous places and all are well supported by our members and partners

Adelaide Goal Visit 21st August 2024

The Adelaide Gaol is one of the oldest remaining colonial public buildings in Adelaide and is the site of some of the State’s more interesting, grisly past. Approximately 300,000 prisoners passed through Adelaide Gaol during its working years and 45 people were executed. Their bodies are buried within the grounds of Adelaide Gaol. We were split into 2 groups and guided by a volunteer who described the history and working of the jail which opened in 1846 and only closed in 1988. The daily schedule of prison life in Adelaide Gaol ran to strict times. The toll of the Adelaide Gaol bell marked the beginning and end of the daily ‘sessions’ and also rang during the execution of a prisoner. At 7am each morning, breakfast was delivered to the cells through small hatches in the doors. This was followed by cell inspections. Prisoners had to keep their cells and possessions clean at all times. Once the cleaning inspection was completed, the night soil buckets were taken into the yards and emptied and cleaned. The morning session was then spent in the yard and recreation rooms. At 12.30pm, prisoners were escorted back to their cells where they ate lunch and remained in their cells until the afternoon session. In the afternoon, prisoners were released back into the yard until the evening meal was served in their cells at 4.15pm. They remained in their cells until the following morning. Prison life was certainly not glamorous or social! At 12.30pm, prisoners were escorted back to their cells where they ate lunch and remained in their cells until the afternoon session. In the afternoon, prisoners were released back into the yard until the evening meal was served in their cells at 4.15pm. They remained in their cells until the following morning. Prison life was certainly not glamorous or social! The first public hanging at Adelaide Gaol took place in November 1840 while the site was still under construction. Early hangings outside Adelaide Gaol attracted crowds of up to 2,000 people, roughly one third of the population of Adelaide at the time, who gathered to witness this most radical form of ‘justice’. I think we all found the visit very sobering and left with a profound feeling of how could people be treated so inhumanely.

Metropolitan Fire Station Visit 25th July 2024

We were split into 2 groups and guided by 2 fire officers who showed us the general workings of the station and the functioning of some of the Fire Engines. There are different engines sent to different fires depending on the type of fire and the location. Particular interest was shown in the workings of the Jaws of Life and the breathing apparatus that the fireman use. Firemen work 4 days a week and have shifts of 10 hours in the day and 14 hours for nightshift.

At the conclusion of the tour, we were all given the opportunity test our firefighting skills with the water hose, some mastered it better than others. We then moved to the Morphett Arms Hotel which concluded a very enjoyable day.
Thanks to Garry James for organizing the outing.

SA Aquatic Research Institute (SARDI) 26th June 2024

What a fabulous morning we had today at SARDI. A total of 38 of us had a tour of this outstanding facility and learned such a lot about the marine life that inhabits the South Australian coastline.

Princes River Cruise & Lunch, West Lakes 9th May 2024

What could be better than cruising around West Lakes on a dead calm, sunny day enjoying a wine (thanks Rob Jones) and a very nice lunch. 26 members and partners/friend had a terrific day out on the lake, looking at $2M+ houses fronting the lake shore and Delfin Island. Thanks to Kevin Denton for organising.

Broken Hill Tour 18th – 22nd March 2024

DAY 1. The BROKEN HILL TOUR departed Club Marion on Monday morning with 36 Tourers on board. We travelled with capably driven by Coach Captain PETER ROBERTS. The first de watering stop at Burra, then to Yunta, a typical country Pub – hosted by Shayne, for a delicious Lunch. I had the biggest & BEST Beef Snitty I’ve ever had, all other meals were beyond expectation. Then to Broken Hill with a short break at Cockburn. When we arrived we could not find the Coles supermarket, as the Tour Officer sent us to a Coles Express, but we did then find a Coles Supermarket. Then we booked in to The Desert Sand Motor Inn. All a bit tired, but we had a good trip.

DAY 2. We toured around Broken Hill going to The Line of Load Lookout – Past “The Women’s Memorial – The Racecourse – A visit to The Sulphur Railway Museum. This Museum was a brilliant exhibition of the Broken Hill Railways. Lunch was a scrumptious 2 course meal at The Musicians Club. After Lunch we were off to The Pro Hart Gallery. On making a Certificate of Appreciation to Tanya she said, she had been thanked numerous times but, this was the best Thank you she had ever received. Then to the Sliver City Mint & Arts Centre & The Big Picture Canvas Mural. A painting of the Outback around Broken Hill which took over two years to paint.

DAY 3. First stop was the Royal Flying Doctors Service. We were greeted by a Volunteer who gave us an outline of how the locals operated their base for the R.F.D.S. then we saw some film. It was a very interesting visit. Members bought several souvenir items & made donations. BELL’S MILK BAR & MUSEUM was an ideal spot for some morning Tea before going to Menindee for Lunch then a cruise on the River Lady on one of the Menindee Lakes, We also visited The Burke & Wills Camp Site & Trees before the trip home. Tonight was Dinner Night at The Desert Sand Restaurant followed by the QUIZ Night with “ Huggy” & The “ Crowette.”. The Quiz Campions were: 1st Pieter & Ruth Boschma – 78. 2nd Graham & Sharon Brown – 77. 3rd Lou & Lynn – 76. 4th Heather McRae & Tricia Butterfield – 71. 5th Bill & Paulette Armstrong. The Raffle was won by Lou & Lynn.

DAY 4. Was Silverton day. We travelled via Solar Farm in Broken Hill, then to Penrose Park where an Annual Music Festival is held. On arrival in Silverton we split up into two Groups, one visited the MAD MAX 2 MUSEUM & then the SILVERTON GOAL MUSEUM. Then it was Lunch at The Silverton Hotel. We all had a delicious Lunch, especially The “HAMBURGERS”. The owner gave us a brief history of Silverton & his Hotel. From Lunch to The MUNDI-MUNDI LOOKOUT & TO THE UMBERUMBERKA RESIVOR. On the way back to Broken Hill it was a stop at THE OUTBACK CAMEL FARM, while nine of did a Camel ride the rest of the Group had a look around the farm. Petah, was the owner & she was brilliant with all her animals. She has Camels, Emus, Ostrich, Alpacas, Sheep & Dogs which are all named. The Camel ride was a Great experience, Paulette commented “It Was The Best Hump She Had Had in Years”. Thursday Night the final night in town about 30 of us Dinned at The Musicians Club.

DAY 5. It’s Home Time, departing at 7:55am, having a good trip home with lunch at Burra. To everyone that travelled on this Tour thank you for being a part of this great tour, especially the two visitors from The Edwardstown Probus Club, Heather & Tricia.

Roseworthy College & Virginia Nursery Visit, 18 April 2024

49 Members/Partners/Wives/Special Ladies and friends, loaded onto the bus for a quick trip up the road to Roseworthy, just outside of Gawler, where we met by our friendly hosts from the School of Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Adelaide (formerly known as the Roseworthy College). It was the first agricultural college in Australia, established in 1883. Roseworthy campus is located on a 1600 ha and includes a working farm on which students gain practical experience and training and is now the major centre for South Australia’s animal and veterinary science research. During University semesters, Roseworthy caters for approximately 1000 students undertaking various degrees in Veterinary Science some of whom live in accommodation on campus. The academic staff and students also provide a 24-hour veterinary clinic, the only one in the north side of Adelaide and surrounding areas.
After morning tea, we were shown both the small and large animal housing, care facilities and operating theatres. As well, we were shown through the Equine Health and Performance Centre, a state-of-the-art facility for equine surgery, sports medicine, internal medicine and reproduction. Following the tour of the facilities, we reconvened in the old Dining Room Hall for lunch and then it was off to the Virginia Nursery for coffee/tea, cake and some retail shopping. Many returned to the bus laden with plants and other garden products. All travellers agreed it was a very enjoyable and informative day out. Thanks go to Garry James for organising the tour.

Parliament House visit, 1st March 2024

The Club visited Parliament House with 27 Members and partners in attendance. This was a most enjoyable visit, superbly hosted by Sarah Andrews, MP, Member for Gibson. Sarah gave us a very informative talk on the various stages of construction of the House over many years and she highlighted the professional flaws in its design when built.

Whilst our system of Government is based on the British Westminster system as we know it, it was interesting to hear Sarah’s outline the finer details in relating to the two Houses i.e. the Upper and Lower houses between England and Australia. After the tour, arguably the best scones, jam & cream I’ve ever had for morning tea. Sarah was thanked for and congratulated for her knowledge and enthusiasm she has in serving our community in her electorate of Gibson.

Following the visit, a delicious lunch was had at the casino’s Cafe Junction. Thank you for everyone who joined us and to Garry James for organisation.

Lunch at the Victoria Hotel, O’Halloran Hill on 21st February 2024

On the 21st February, we had our “Welcome Back” lunch at the Victoria Hotel. This was a great success in that we had 32 members and wives/partners and a Special Lady attend. This encourages us to have other “stand-alone” lunches during the year.

Visit to The Big Band Christmas Show, Hopgood Theatre, Noarlunga, 19th December 2023

After a delicious morning tea provided by the venue, we settled into our seats in the theatre to enjoy 90 minutes of favourite Christmas songs with an upbeat swing/jazz style with voice soloists Bill Parton and Emily Hatwell. Most members thought the show was excellent with a few critical of the male soloist’s voice, being a bit raspy. After the show, we retreated to the Christies Beach Hotel for a nice lunch.

Visit to the Singing Gazebo, Clarendon 28th November 2023

17 Members, Partners & Special Ladies attended this Special Music Presentation by Dave & his family in their Family Gazebo. Tea – Coffee & Homemade Damper was served for Morning Tea, with Lunch afterwards at The Clarendon Hotel. The bad weather conditions kept several people away, but those who attended had a very enjoyable morning of Music. If you are looking for a venue with a difference to celebrate a special occasion, this is highly recommended.

Visit to the Aviation Museum, Lipson Street, Port Adelaide 31st October 2023

21 Members, Wives & Friends visited The South Australian Aviation Museum. We had two Guides who escorted us around & explained the exhibits to the groups. SAAM has 27 significant aircraft on display, all of them under cover in their display hangars. Several of the aircraft are the only examples of their type on display in Australia. Most of the aircraft have flown in South Australia and everyone has a story and a history. Of course F18 fighter bomber was very impressive.
Six of SAAM’s aircraft have done service in the RAAF Aircraft Research and Development Unit (ARDU). Visitors can enter the cabins of 7 of the aircraft.

YORKES A GO-GO 15th-19th October 2023

35 Members, Special Ladies and Friends travelled by bus to Wallaroo and visited the local museum which provided a history of mining, shipping and farming from the area. Then it was onto our accommodation at the superb Wallaroo Marina Apartments. On Tuesday, we toured Pt Hughes, Moonta, and the Mining Museum. Dinner was at the Boatshed followed by the trivia quiz won by Elaine and John Paynter as usual. Wednesday was spent touring Edithburg and its museum, Maitland, Minlaton, Warooka, Yorketown and finally the Watsacowie Brewery. On Thursday, we went to Kadina to look around town or compete in the Putt Putt challenge. Then it was of to the Bond Store brewery and the Wallaroo Silo light show. On Friday, it was a slow and sleepy drive back to Adelaide.

Visit to Capri Theatre, Goodwood Rd, Goodwood 28th September 2023

We were met by the lady volunteers with coffee/tea and biscuits. Our host Ross, a volunteer from the Theatre Organ Society of Australia, then gave us a talk on the history of the theatre and demonstrated how they had restored the theatre back to its art deco past with reinstallation of many of its original features. It was built in 1941 and opened as the New Goodwood Star picture theatre, The ‘Wurlitzer’ Organ was installed in 1983 and is the only installation in the world that has glass-fronted chambers in a theatre. Theatre organs were developed in the 1920s to accompany silent movies. After a demonstration of the playing and sound of the organ by volunteer John, our inimitable David Jarman proceeded to play Peter Allen’s “I Still Call Australia Home”– what musical instrument can’t this man play. And then it was off to the Goodwood Hotel for lunch. Many thanks for David Jarman and Garry James for organising the visit.

Visit to Tindo Solar Panel Factory and Mawson Lakes Hotel on 7th September 2023

23 members, wives/partners drove out to Mawson Lakes on a cold, wet morning to be met by a welcoming group of staff, ready and waiting to take us through the plant where they construct the only Australian-made solar panels. What an eye-opening experience this was! This was not what I expected to see in a modern factory. Every process was handled and completed by robotics with occasional workers present to ensure the process was running smoothly and the quality of each panel met their standard. The whole factory was absolutely spotless as any dust or contaminants would affect quality. Completed panels were being processed at one per minute. After the factory tour, morning tea was provided and we were given a presentation by the Managing Director on the beginnings of Tindo, its aims, how it was set up and where it sits in the Australian and Asian market. Finally, it was off around the corner to the Mawson Lakes Hotel for lunch where our group enjoyed and drink and lunch. Everyone agreed that it was one of the best tours they had every done and that, indeed South Australia could thrive in this area of high technology manufacturing

Visit to Old Tailem Town and Beerenberg Farm on 22nd August 2023

43 members, wives/partners, Special Ladies and friends set off bright and early in the Sealink bus for Tailem Bend. Morning tea at Old Tailem Town was followed by a lesson in the 1881 school with 85-year-old Schoolmaster Peter in charge. Any misbehaviour was controlled by threats of the cane. Little did he know when he selected John Stewart out of the audience to be the Regional Inspector that John had a career as a high school teacher and duly got a lecture on the psychology of student corporal punishment! We were then free to wander down memory lane visiting original buildings of the village including the corner store, emporiums, chemist, blacksmith, undertakers and many more. This was followed by a delicious 2-course hot lunch provided by the Hospital Auxiliary. On to the bus and back down the freeway to the Berenberg Farm Shop at Hahndorf. Some had a nice warm coffee and others enjoyed the ice creams and most purchased some of their jars of jams, sauces and meal bases. Then it was back on the bus and home. A fantastic day was had by all and special thanks to Garry James for his superb organisation as usual

Visit to SA Water Desalination Plant, O’Sullivan Beach on 6th July 2023

On a wet, windy and cold morning, 20 members eventually found the entrance and enjoyed a video and bus trip around the various buildings comprising the plants of the Desalination Plant. Hosted by Steph, we took a look into the main building and the huge pipes, pumps and filters which comprise just a small portion of the plant. No wonder it costs $135M per annum to run in maintenance mode! A short drive and we enjoyed an excellent lunch at the Woodcroft Hotel. Thanks to Garry James for organizing an excellent visit

SteamRanger Workshop, Mt Barker 18th May 2023

Bright, Victoria Chalet Tour 14th – 19th May 2023

WOW! WOW! WOW! What a great Tour we had to Bright staying at The Bright Chalet. Arriving at the Adelaide Airport by 6:00am, the 28 Tourers were booked in by the JETSTAR Staff. On arrival at Tullamarine Melbourne we were picked up by the Chalet Bus and had an excellent 300km trip to Bright via the Hume Highway & The Great Alpine Road, arriving in brilliant sunshine. At The Chalet we were greeted by the Owner/Manager Michael, then checked into our comfortable accommodation. Dinner was served at 6:30pm after “Happy Hour”. Every night the Chef’s Extraordinaire supplied delicious Home Style Cooked meals which included 4 different Mains, vegetables & salads with Dessert to die for.

Monday, off to Wandilagong for Morning Tea, a picturesque drive. Then to Bright for Lunch, at the PIE shop followed by a visit to Nightingale Alpine Apples. The Apple Wine was very tasty. Monday night we had a COMEDY NIGHT ~ PARTNERS DELIGHT. Tuesday, up early to 0 degrees, then after breakfast in sunny skies we went on a long curvy drive up to Mt Buffalo. Due to the lack of Government action the magnificent Chalet was not open. But, it was worth the drive with brilliant views of the Valley below. Then to Beechworth for their Famous Bakery Pies, some shopping & a visit to Beechworth Honey & some Yummy Honey Ice-cream. Home through Yackandanda. Wednesday, another big day on the road doing 300kms for the day. A bit warmer this morning 1degree. We went through some beautiful country side to Yarrawonga, which is on the banks of Lake Mulawa. We had a 1 1/2Hr Cruise with a B-B-Q Lunch on the Lake. It was a great day touring. Tonight was QUIZ NIGHT. Thursday, a quiet day only touring locally, but an interesting day with Lunch in Myrtleford. In the morning visiting The Pumpkin Seed Factory & the afternoon to the RED STAG DEER & EMU FARM. Friday & it’s home time, on the road early to Tullamarine – Melbourne with JETSTAR for our flight home.

Overall it was a great 6 day Tour. Bright Chalet, headed by Michael & his Staff were the perfect hosts. Our taste buds were definitely spoilt by the delicious meals cooked & presented every day by Neil & Atherely & staff. We had a great time of FUN & FELLOWSHIP.

COMEDY NIGHT ~ PARTNERS DELIGHT. Winners: PARTNERS DELIGHT: John & Pam Godden – Marty Nieuwenhoven & Trish Hehir.
QUIZ NIGHT. 1st – John & Pam Godden. 2nd – Ruth Shaw & Joan Davies. 3rd – Geoff Aldrich, Steve & Fran Johnston. 4th – Rosalie Lee & Sharyn Kerr. 5th – Valda Linnett & Carolyn Shaw.
RAFFLE WINNERS: 1st Valda Linnett. – 2nd Trish Hehir. 3rd Gail Turley. 4th Elaine Hall. 5th Karuna Millar. 6th Graham Keane.

For more photos from the tour – see the Photo Galleries page

Visit to Australian Space Discovery Centre, Lot 14 North Terrace Adelaide on 13th April 2023

Twenty members visited the Centre on 13th April. Described as an exciting and immersive experience where you can learn all about Australia’s role in space, it certainly lived up to its claims. The Centre has an Endeavour Room which houses interactive space-related exhibitions and numerous hands-on activities. Of
particular interest was the computerized demonstration of space debris and junk orbiting the around the Earth. Did you know that as of 2020, there are 900,000 objects between 1 and 10cm in size floating in orbit around the Earth?
We were shown the Mission Control theatre where we could see staff controlling and monitoring Australia satellites in real time. We saw screening historic rocket launches and space events and real-time space events. We heard how Australia’s space efforts impact our lives and how science, technology and industry are supporting the future of space exploration.
Many thanks to our Life Member, David Jarman for organizing this tour

Visit to Wakefield House, Coromandel Valley, 30th March 2023

About 30 members and wives/partners visited the historic Wakefield House, Coromandel Valley. Fortunately the weather was fine as, due to our large group, we gathered under gazebos set up in the garden by the National Trust of Coromandel Valley and Blackwood. Prior to and during the presentation of the building’s and its owner’s history, we were treated to a delicious country style home-made morning tea of scones, jam and cream, party pies and pasties served with tea/coffee. We then broke into two groups and explored the house which once served as the butchery and the bakehouse on the other side of Sturt Creek.

Visit to Government House, 26th November 2022

A group of members visited Government House and the grounds for a very interesting tour of the building and gardens. Afterwards we had a very lazy lunch at the Strathmore Hotel on North Terrace.

Lakes a Go-Go Tour, 14 – 18th November 2022

What a GREAT 5 days we had touring the Limestone Coast, staying in Mt Gambier at The Arkana Motor Inn. We visited numerous and very interesting attractions over the five days. We enjoyed a cruise on the Glenelg River at Nelson with a delicious morning tea and then onto Port MacDonnell to the very interesting Maritime Museum and Feast’s Motor Museum. A morning at Portland was very interesting with a tour around the town and a ride on the Cable Tram. We then travelled back to Mt Gambier and visited The Limestone Coast Pantry for afternoon tea. The day was topped off with dinner at the South Eastern Hotel, followed by a Quiz Night. The next day we travelled to the Cave Gardens at Tantanoola, the Nangwarry Forest Museum and finished off the day at the Umphertson Sink Hole with a SCRUMPTICOUS afternoon tea. On Friday, we travelled back to Adelaide via Penola where we toured the excellent Mary MacKillop Centre.

Visit to Oaklands Wetlands on Thursday 29th August 2022

16 members of Marion Probus Club went on a guided tour of the Oaklands Wetlands conducted by our Life Member, David Jarman. Oaklands Wetlands is one of 3 Wetlands on the Sturt Creek system.

David provided a comprehensive lecture of the history of the Wetlands before taking us on the tour. He was able to point out many significant points of interest including several gum trees used by the local Aboriginals and the site of the now demolished Oaklands Homestead as well as how the wetlands work in purifying and storing water down into the acquafer and it’s retrieval for watering parks and gardens in the Marion area.

When the tour was completed, members had lunch at the Morphett Arms Hotel. The day was enjoyed by all those who attended

Visit to Patritti Winery, Dovar Gardens, 21st July, 2022

45 members and, partners and visitors enjoyed a beautiful sunny Winter’s morning on Thursday 21st July at Patritti Winery, Dover Gardens SA. We were met with a glass of their Sparkling Chardonnay and enjoyed hearing how Patritti’s was founded in 1926 by Giovanni Patritti and is Adelaide’s only remaining 100% family owned, fully operational urban winery.
A tour of the winery followed where we heard where the grapes were sourced from and how they are processed into their various wine types. This was followed by a sit-down wine tasting accompanied by delicious antipasto platters with a description of the six wines sampled by the winemaker. This was a terrific morning organised by Gary James and greatly appreciated by our members, partners and guests.

Gene & Judy, Hopgood Theatre, Noarlunga, 16th June 2022

Staring Mike Halcron, Sophie Loughran and Matt Hodgraft on the piano

29 Members, partners and Special Ladies enjoyed a delicious morning tea followed by a fantastic live show of singing, dancing and a few gags by the piano man of Judy Garland and Gene Kelly greatest hits from the MGM musicals of the 1950s and 1960s. This was followed by lunch at the Christies Beach Hotel down the road. A truly most enjoyable day.

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